Nicole Lacey
Nicole has been in the Settlement Industry since 1998.
From her humble beginnings as an Outside Clerk Nicole slowly worked her way up through the ranks to become a Senior Conveyancer and finally in 2011 obtained her Settlement Agents Licence.
Over the years she has had the opportunity to work for both small and large WA Conveyancing firms which has helped Nicole create policies and procedures to enable an efficient and streamline work ethic.
After 10 years as Manager of a Boutique West Perth Settlement Agency Nicole decided that it was time for a change. In September 2016 Harvey was born and soon followed the creation of Lacey & Co.
The opportunity to work from home whilst having a young family was an exciting new adventure and 8 years on and with another little Boy Darcy, Lacey & Co are proud to have evolved with a spacious new Office Building and a team of 8 and most imporantly a great reputation and solid base of repeat Clients and referrers.
Her main goal and focus is to keep the process as she likes to say - 'simple' like it should be! - with a commitment to provide all Clients with the highest level of service and professionalism, ensuring they settle on time and hassle free from a Conveyancing perspective.